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Old 06-23-2008, 08:00 PM
TNRkitect TNRkitect is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 246
Re: N-Scale collection for sale

Just to give a few more details on the history of the collection:

The collection was originally my grandfather's, back in the 1980's and 1990's.
He bought everything and stored it away without opening it, save for 3 (N scale) buildings which he either lost the boxes for, or built the kits and then stored them away. (I have attached pictures of these with this post, along with some more to whet the interest.)

I have not done anything more than carry it around in boxes while I have moved around the country, so it is still in the same condition that it was when he packed away, save that I have re-packed it into a single plastic storage bin, instead of the multiple smelly old cardboard boxes.

He kept saying that he was going to get around to setting up a layout one day, but unfortunately he passed away before he ever did. To help out my grandmother, I bought the collection from her. I have since inventoried it all for insurance purposes, using the 2008 Walther's Catalogs to arrive at the prices listed in the .PDF attached in one of the previous posts.

The HO portion of my collection is much larger, and I have decided that I prefer it to N scale, despite the advantages of the smaller scale (more realistic ratios of scenery to trains, the ability to squeeze more railroading into the same space). So, I am selling off the N scale to concentrate on the HO scale.

As I said, it is worth over $1700, but I am looking to get $1,250 for it. If you are interested, you can contact me through the website or by e-mailing me at:

tnrkitect2b [the at symbol] hotmail [dot] com

(replace the items in brackets with the symbol named, I formatted it that way to avoid getting more spam)

As this is the 5th Sunday coming up, I will be there in the afternoon to work / play on the HO side. I will bring the collection with me, if anyone wishes to look through it in person.
Attached Images
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